Supporting the Chagrin Valley since 1897.
Time is of the essence.
Did you know that a fire doubles in size every thirty seconds; or that a person can only survive between six and eight minutes without oxygen? When a stroke or heart attack strikes, seconds matter.
Lifesaving seconds are vital when that call comes in. And we’re there, unconditionally no matter the need, each and every time. Now, we’re the ones in need.
“This update will shave about 30 seconds off our response time. And when there’s a fire, a few seconds can change everything.”
— Chief Frank Zugan
Make a donation.
Help us to modernize the fire station, and improve the safety response.
If you live in Bentleyville, Chagrin Falls, Chagrin Falls Township, Hunting Valley, Moreland Hills, or South Russell, the Chagrin Valley Fire Department has been providing lifesaving care to keep you, your neighbors and area businesses safe.
As a 501(c)4 nonprofit led by Fire Chief Frank Zugan, the Chagrin Valley Fire Department (CVFD) needs your support to raise funds to expand and improve the current fire station.
It’s been nearly 20 years since we’ve renovated our firehouse. If we built our structure today as it currently stands, we’d be out of compliance.

Help us raise money for these mission-critical modernizations:
They say it takes a village.
The Chagrin Falls Firefighters Charitable Foundation has been raising money to help the Chagrin Valley Fire Department modernize our fire station, and improve our safety response. This project will need the support of our entire valley.
Please take a moment to watch this video created by Chagrin Falls Resident, Rob Falls of Falls & Co. to learn why your fire department needs your support and how you can help.
We are a 501 (c)(3) charitable foundation for the benefit of public safety and community involvement in the Chagrin Valley.
We are currently raising funds for the modernization of the Chagrin Valley Fire Department’s firehouse. We are getting closer to our goal for this project, and appreciate your support in these efforts.